Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits Finale

So, wow. It's been another couple of months since I've been back here, remembering to post anything at all.
Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits is complete. Chapter 32, 33 and brief epilogue can be found here.

That's the last Fanfic project I'll be working on for the foreseeable future. NaNoWriMo is here, and I'm working on original fiction again. You can follow/stalk my progress on my novel here.

Anybody wanting to be my writing buddy for the slog to 50k (and beyond) is welcome.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Falling behind again...

So, I did it again. I've been remiss in posting updates here on the blahg.

Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits is rapidly nearing its conclusion. Chapter 29 went up yesterday on and can be found here.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Recruits Update

So, I've been what can only be called horribly lax in keeping up with this blog.
Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits is up to Chapter 24. I'll try to keep better up to date going forward.

Chapter 24 is here.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

RE: Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits

Chapter 15 of Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits is up.

Or it should be soon, currently, the link isn't working for me.

I've been pretty bad about keeping up posting here on the blog, so I think it's time for an update.
Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits is at roughly the half-way point, and I think it's simmering along nicely and about to burst into a boil.
But I'm going to be slowing down in updating to concentrate on my original works. I'm still going to finish Recruits, but my priorities are shifting.

Because let's face it, fanfiction don't pay no bills.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

RE: Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits

I'm posting so often on this story, it becomes difficult to keep up with blog posts.
So I'll just edit this post and update with links to the most recent chapters.

Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits Chapter 3

So, I posted chapter 3 of Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits last night on And then, the URL died or something? It's a first for me. I've since re-uploaded the chapter; hopefully it'll stay put this time.

New link is here.

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Story!

Well, you've all waited patiently (some more or less patiently than others), but I'm finally posting the first chapter of the final story in a planned trilogy.

Chuck & Sarah vs the Recruits, the sequel to Chuck & Sarah vs the Bunker begins now.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cover showdown!

You decide!

Monday, January 2, 2012