Friday, March 18, 2011

Chuck & Sarah vs Themselves 36 & 37

New chapter is up... link is here.

Chapter 37 link is here.

Chapter 38 is having structural and plot difficulties.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sigh of premature relief...

Yay me! Got all my revisions turned in, and my preface revision turned in. All I have to do now is make final changes, and print up 3 copies of my 102 page thesis for my committee and sound smart and don't have a panic attack on the 24th when I defend.

102 pages... 0_0. Yikes.
Granted, that's only 27,000 words and my shortest story online is like 56,000. But still, I worked hard on those 27,000 words. Not that I didn't work hard on vs. The Bunker... just... this post got away from me somewhere.

Happy day! Going to order a pizza... you know... later, when the pizza place is open.

Also: Spring Break!

Also also: Too Much Caffeine!