Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chuck & Sarah vs Themselves 27

New chapter is finally up. You can find a link here.


I realize that's the wrong spelling. I'm in a punny mood.



  1. Great chapter like the interplay between Sarah and Cole! Also loved the shout out to firefly and Jayne Cobb's penchant for naming his guns. Can't wait to see the running gun battle with Sarah making Reba sing!!! Keep up the great work and keep letting Chuck have value without falling back on intersect style Chopsoky too often. Thanks again for the wonderful display of imagination!

    - JS Fan

  2. Oh the things in store for next chapter. You have no idea... I'm imagining Thunderstruck by ACDC playing in the background for about the whole chapter.

  3. Is that for real or you got nothing planned yet?

  4. No, that's for real. I mean, not for Chuck and Sarah... there's no reason for the CIA research facility to be blasting ACDC over the PA system, that would be silly... but if this next chapter had a soundtrack... maybe an author's note about it?

  5. Awesome!!! I can not wait. As the song goes,"I was shakin' at the knees...." BTW, I think the CIA R&D folks could probably make a whole building complex a set of speakers!!!! Blow the windows out of the downtown area!

    -JS Fan

  6. Hey, ninja,

    Excellent chapter. I enjoy that Cole has an autoflirt function. And having recently driven 5/101 from Sacramento to LA, I was getting flashbacks the whole time. :)

    Oh, and I made that eBook I was threatening to. You can find all three copies here. :)

  7. @Frea Awesome job! Thanks for the new Ebook. I was wearing out the other ebooks that you already made from re-reading them so often. ;)

    @Ninjavanish Keep the chapters coming!!!!!

    -JS Fan

  8. Excellent chapter, prompted a re-read of the whole story (my 3rd). A particularly liked one bit:

    "Don't be. I'm flattered," Sarah said. "After this mission, though, once Shaw's caught and the Cipher is safe? If we take down the Director in the bargain, I think... it's enough, isn't it?"

    "What do you mean?" Chuck said.

    Sarah smiled, slow and warm. "The loss of the Director would cripple the Ring. The CIA won't really need us anymore."

    Not funny, not flashy, but damn good. That pause represented by ellipses make the bit hit home. I can't really explain it, but for me, it represents Sarah slowly leading Chuck and herself away from the spy life. She may not be sure of what she's doing, and thus needs Chuck's reassurance, but she'll get it done.
