Sunday, January 9, 2011

cs vs themselves snowed in?

That's right. Snowed in. It's coming down outside like it wasn't 65 GD degrees out yesterday, and so my internet is out. 3G still works, hence this little status update, so I thought maybe I could use my phone to get the chapter up as well, but it won't upload to properly, and the chapter is too long to fit in a blogspot post, (I already tried) which was kind of a last resort anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to post once the storm dies down...

Edit: The snow has subsided for now, but it will be dark soon, so this is my window to post the chapter.

Follow the link here, to chapter 30.


  1. Thank you very much for braving the elements to post Chapter 30. ;) Good luck with the thesis defense.

    -JS Fan

  2. So, I kind of posted this comment on an older post by mistake...thought I'd post in the right place:

    Vs. the Bunker was a great story. I Just finished reading chapter 30 of vs. Themselves (read the story so far over the last couple of days), and I can honestly say I can't wait until you publish Chapter 31. I know you have your thesis to contend with, so thank you for taking the time to write such excellent material (the way you handled Shaw was a satisfying take on the character). Also, I can't help but to ask: Vs. Themselves is coming to a close, any chance of a sequel to Vs. the Bunker coming soon? Compelling reading material doesn't come around too often...

  3. I agree with Edwin, I love this AU you've created and would also love to read more especially more post Bunker about the Bartowskis' adventures and attempts to balance work and home.

    -JS Fan

  4. The plan for the bunker sequel: tentatively titled 'Chuck and Sarah vs the Recruits' is shaping up pretty nicely.

    Our definitions of 'soon' probably differ, but I have the main dramatic arc pretty much locked down.

  5. I was thinking sometime during the first half of 2011 as "soon"; the fact that you have a story arc and title (maybe), is good news enough for me. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

  6. @ninja_Vanish re the sequel: thank you for making my day!

  7. I think Ninja made everyones day with his announcement of Chuck and Sarah Vs the Recruits!!! Thanks again Magical Awesome ninja-Vanish!!!

    -JS Fan
