Monday, January 31, 2011

Chuck & Sarah vs Themselves 32

New chapter going up in three, two, one...



  1. New Themselves AND what could have been the series finale of Chuck on the same night! Now, which will be the main course and which will be dessert?

  2. Ha! "I— hate you so much...": I loved Dave! The interaction between him and Chuck was great. This was another killer chapter; it helped lower my expectations for yesterday's episode 'cause this update was awesome. I tried to post yesterday a few times, but I couldn't for some reason. Anyway, very satisfied with both. Thanks for the update, can't wait for the next one!

  3. Awesome as usual. It was an excellent dessert on Monday night and I thank you very much for the if you could just work in Sarah's obvious belly dancing talents....;) Oh and having just re-read a few of the previous chapters, I have to thank you for re-deeming Shaw. You did a much better job with Shaw then the show writers managed. It was much more believable than the change that they portrayed on the show. In most Fan Fic's he is completely a villain from start to finish with no depth. Really the cardboard cut out that they had on the show but you at least attempted to give him depth. As you have with the rest of the wonderful characters on our favorite show. Again, I thank you for your work and for the entertainment that you provide me and your other fans.

    -JS Fan
